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All models are wrong: reflections on becoming a systems scientist [2002]

A few highlights from reading All models are wrong: reflections on becoming a systems scientist; John D. Sterman. This is the paper form of a lecture held in 2002 by John D. Sterman, upon receiving the Jay Forrester award. What is System Dynamics? It can be seen through multiple lens, as: Science: the modeling process assumes hypothesizing, building a model, running an experiment - the simulation of the system through that model, and potentially invalidating the model.

DeepDive: Declarative Knowledge Base Construction [2017]

I stumbled upon this paper while contemplating whether it’s possible (and valuable) to build a network representation of technology - eg. which tech requires which lower-level tech, which tech depends on which natural phenomena, how tech shifts over time, what feedback loops are present, … An ill-defined task that remains just a draft, a fun thought experiment; but let’s switch to the paper now. Link: DeepDive: declarative knowledge base construction

The Strategy of Conflict, Thomas Schelling

WIP notes from reading The Strategy of Conflict by Thomas C. Schelling. Why this book? I wanted to see some real-world use of game theory in the writing of a classic. Thomas Crombie Schelling (April 14, 1921 – December 13, 2016) was an American economist and professor of foreign policy, national security, nuclear strategy, and arms control at the School of Public Policy at University of Maryland, College Park. Theory development “We live in an age of exponential growth in knowledge, and it is increasingly futile to teach only polished theorems and proofs.

December 9, 2023 442 words

Misc signals 2023-06-01

This is absolute Misc stuff, just a bucket of paragraphs. Digital Fabrication A few days ago I listened to the Neil Gershenfeld episode of Lex’s podcast. It’s extremely inspiring! Highly recommend. A few highlights (please excuse the lack of details): Digital Fabrication, where “digital” is understood not as “binary” computer stuff, but by it’s deeper meaning. The concept is rooted in Vannevar Bush/Claude Shannon/Von Neumann Analog computer age and the transition to Digital as a way to get a grip on accumulated error.

June 1, 2023 367 words


A Chronology of Interpolation: From Ancient Astronomy to Modern Signal and Image Processing. Printed this paper a few weeks ago while I was reading about KZG1, 2, 3 and left it aside. It’s aged enough, time to actually read it. The problem of constructing a continuously defined function from given discrete data is unavoidable whenever one wishes to manipulate the data in a way that requires information not included explicitly in the data.

Mind your Instaparse recursion order

Sketching a parser for graphviz/dot. Really slow on a ~300 statement input. Got about a 10x improvement by using Left instead of Right-recursion.

January 22, 2023 520 words

Debugging Clojure using the REPL

A summary of techniques to debug Clojure code via REPL (aka “the interactive console”, the “read-eval-print loop”) and Cider debugger.

December 18, 2022 623 words

The Humble Programmer by Dijkstra (1972)

The original article by Dijkstra can be found here (pdf). These notes are mainly to summarize my read of the article for future ref.

Arch linux: fixing outdated Gnuradio

The gnuradio package in Arch is at 3.9.4 and marked as outdated for almost 2 months now. Not a huge issue, but there's a bug in the QT range slider that's fixed in the later versions. I need the osmosdr block in gnuradio since it looks like it allows me to specify a devicestring to select my LimeSDR as the radio in use. First thought: install gnuradio-git Installing gnuradio-git got me straight to 3.

February 20, 2022 339 words

Fixing misbehaving go completion in emacs

Some things that might help when LSP just won't

September 10, 2021 157 words